Saturday, April 23, 2016

Joey Quits (worker quits Renaissance Providence Hotel w/ marching band)

Joey Quits (worker quits Renaissance Providence Hotel w/ marching band) 

Bravo, Joey! If life requires a sense of humor and  if Shakespeare was on the money when he said "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players..." Then you, sweet man, have played it well and have given me and the 5,214,635 viewers of this video who watched it before me, a hell of a good show!

And you, you fuckers... individuals of bad intent and bad manners in sharing this world with your fellows... you, his employers who showed Joey less than the respect and appreciation due anyone who could think up, execute, and have the ballsy sense of the theater of life to actually post this gem... you, his former bosses, and the bosses of the bosses... well, shame on you profit-over-life-well-lived, A-holes!

FYI - After viewing this heartwarming little video I was moved to take a look at this hotel's website (, thinking I might torture them a bit by sending them a link to this video and asking them sincerely, what they had to say about it. Alas, while there are many links there one can chase, links providing information about how wonderful the hotel is and its many services that one may purchase (e.g. Meetings and Weddings) and through which one can reserve a room, I couldn't find a "Contact Us" type link by which I might convey to them my interest in this video and its possible implications about what sort of employer I feel it is. There is a link to customer reviews, actually 8 pages of them going back 3 1/2  years and most of them are glowing like this one:

“Best Hotel in Providence” I continue to enjoy staying at this hotel. Friendly staff, great rooms, stylish public areas.  Yes, I recommend this hotel. I recommend this hotel for: Romantic, Sightseeing, Business Travel, Leisure, Public Transportation, Couples, Local Attractions, Weekend, Shopping."

And you know what? Looking at your deluxe, spare no expense to make this place look great, style of website, Marriott Renaissance Providence, your hotel really does look like the type of place I'd like to take my wife to to show her a great time and spend a pile of money in the process... except for that video of Joey quitting his job by parading a marching band through the bowels of your establishment! For that matter, guys, I have to point out that while you may have spent tens of thousands on that rootsy-tootsy, corporate hotel website, replete with the Architectural Digest type photos and the interactive "View Rates" search function, but I personally think Joey produced something far more memorable and entertaining and posted it on YouTube free. So there, bad guys!

OK, OK, I admit it, I have a lifelong habit of siding for the underdog and cheering on the downtrodden average sad sack when it appears that some unfeeling Goliath is playing unfair to his out-gunned David. And to keep this discussion above the level of 'writer reacts to cliche by offering up still more cliches in response', I have to admit that I fully understand that the things that might have driven Joey to quit his job at your hotel in such a dramatic way may have been anomalies and not at all representative of the level of satisfaction those contemplating employment there might expect. Which brings me to that other video expressing his feelings about his job at your hotel that Joey posted (below).

Joey on the Working Conditions at the Renaissance Providence Hotel

It's not a pretty picture that he paints. But I do love that Joey gets to air his contempt and ire. YouTube is a great leveler of privilege and power...

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